Aug 4, 2021


 With heavy heart I am back to say this -

    A close friend and Virus researcher has kept meticulous notes & statistics since the beginning of this Chinese PLANdemic and she has been most helpful to me in guiding me to additional wellness products for the season we are in. We are NO longer free people in America we do not have free speech any longer nor access to health products that work, against the plan of the elite and we are heavily censored, and the day is coming when the fake vaccination police will knock on your door. BEWARE and hopefully be locked and loaded as well as prepped.


 My heart goes out to those whose numbers are in the tens of thousands now who have died, become paralyzed, have weakened their immune system and are VERY sick, many of whom with no insurance to cover a non FDA approved drug. All directly related to the jab that they believed was for their own good. This grieves us deeply. This post is dedicated to Deb in appreciation of her long hours of study and research and detailed and diligent record keeping. Thank You from the bottom of my heart - You are SO appreciated. 

Also- this post is in memory of the victims of this pretend vaccine. The ones no news dare to report on, the voices that have been silenced, except for deep searching and video viewing of their stories before most are banned, and taken down. It is sickening that the victims of the BIO WEAPON JAB are being silenced. I am SO SORRY.

 Copy and paste the below link for a short video that you won't see on the daily news lieworks. 


Here are the supplements that 5 Holistic doctors use themselves to keep their immune system functioning at its best in these trying times. Should you feel symptoms of ill health and especially if you work close to, live with or socialize near bio weapon (JABBED!!!!) people, yes- that is right- many after watching rapid health declines in those jabbed are concerned about bio weapon shedding from those who are JABBED.  We want to strengthen our immune system in holistic and dietary ways. The below supplements are what many concerned people use as well as the Holistic doctors themselves as seen in the below video. Sorry- not able to link it for you to click it here as as Blogger only lets videos uploaded from my computer or those censored ones from youtube to be uploaded on this blogger platform. Just copy and paste in your search engine before it is taken down by the internet police.


To be very clear - I am not a health care practitioner and I do not make any recommendations about what may or may not work for anyone’s immune system or health. The below supplements are only part of my Holistic wellness pantry along with herbal tinctures, homeopathic remedies, and essential oils. Also- a healthy diet filled with fresh Organic (when possible) veggies and fruit and fresh purified water (NOT water from a plastic bottle) are great choices for supporting an immune system and overall thriving vs surviving.

In a quest for a good trustworthy supplement brand I am happy with the Now Foods brand which I have used for many years as part of my wellness regimen. Do your own research and buy what works best for your health needs and concerns.


I did a price comparison for each supplement listed below with no brand substitutes at as well as Amazon. I chose to order from Vita Cost and here’s why.  Combined with a 15% discount, 20% discount If you are new to Vita Cost and place a first time order, I saved over $19.00 going with Vita Cost and also got FREE shipping, like Amazon members get. No membership fee at Vita Cost. Keep in mind prices may change at any time and I am not affiliated with any brand or company in this post, nor do I have any discount codes to offer you. And really- I am thrilled to not be supporting any trips to the moon for those connected to Amazon. On second thought maybe I should of paid more and help support his trip back to the moon in hopes he would stay there.


About the below list - I am in no way affiliated with the below brands and or companies listed, nor do I receive any incentives or money from them. I am sharing my personal current supplement list for this season of my life and having been inspired by the 5 Holistic doctors video. Link to that is above.

 If I feel that I am getting sick I will immediately use 1200 mg of the NAC everyday for 3 days and then 1200 mg 2x a day for 3 days Then 1200 mg 1x a day for 2 weeks. I will use Magnesium 500 mg 1x a day during that time if and when needed. I will also double up on all supplements. Not for everyone- do your research this is not advice , my protocol only. YOUR BODY YOUR CHOICE.


Brand name and product SKU # -highlighted in YELLOW

Product name is highlighted in GREEN

Quantity is highlighted in Fushia

Price of product highlighted in Blue


  THE LIST - Purchased from and last 2 products are from the

NOW Foods brand NAC -- 1000 mg - 120 Tablets  SKU# 733739001856  $13.79                   


NOW Foods Brand, Quercetin With Bromelain -- 240 Vegetarian Capsules  SKU #733739030719 $27.99


 NOW Foods Brand NAC -- 1000 mg - 120 Tablets SKU #733739001856 $13.79


Garden of Life Vitamin Code Brand® RAW Zinc™® Zinc™ -- 60 Vegan Capsules SKU #658010116527 $10.59


NOW Foods Brand  Vitamin A -- 25000 IU - 250 Softgels SKU #733739003423 $8.32


NOW Foods Brand Vitamin D-3 -- 10000 IU - 120 Softgels SKU #733739003768 $7.79

Total Price: $15.58

NOW Foods Zinc Picolinate -- 50 mg - 120 Vegetarian Capsules SKU #733739015525 $7.17


NOW Foods brand B-12  -- 2000 mcg - 100 Lozenges SKU #733739004598 $6.63


NOW Foods brand Selenium -- 200 mcg - 90 Vcaps® SKU #733739014856 $4.76  ( I PURCHASED 3 bottles at this price)


NOW Foods brand  AlphaSorb-C® 500 -- 180 Veg Capsules    SKU #: 733739007179    $14.99


 OR- Some prefer Vit C crystals instead of the Capsules, Crystals listed below.


NOW Foods brand Vitamin C Crystals --  8 oz   SKU #: 733739007902   $6.99

I cannot forget my need for the wonderful products below for such a time as this. Both recommended by Holistic Doctors. All-important Magnesium and Iodine each purchased at


 InfoWars Life  FizzyMagnesium 5.5 oz $19.95

Delish and tastes like an orange Creamsicle from your childhood. Brand new 64- 94% positive reviews.


 InfoWars Life Iodine1floz (6,635- 98% positive reviews) WOW...!!!!!! 

Top of the line products on the Infowars site above. Current sale price of   $23.95 


Vita Cost has customer service by phone and it is so easy to call and place an order as well as use their website.My oder at Vita Cost was under ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for all on that list PLUS the cost of the last 2 products - A low cost investment in my health.


Now before it is too late, go outside and and do some earthing (walking barefoot on the earth) and go play like someone left the gate wide open for you. It is never to late to have a happy childhood. A happy adulthood in these days is oftentimes questionable IMO- but heck yeah to play like a kid- I can do that. I hope you can also  God Bless.

PS.  If you care to comment scroll all the way to the bottom of this page. We do not have to agree but this is a safe place for conservatives and for those who opt out of the so named Covid vaccination depopulation (IMO) agenda.
