Apr 6, 2020


Wow, how the world has changed since my last post.  How does a gal post about her farmhouse or Spring decor and not mention the elephant in the room,  Not one to be politically correct I can say that this Kung flu virus is a sobering game changer for the human race and most recently a tiger who tested positive for the Chinese virus. What does social distancing look like for a tiger? I've got that   part down pat as I started social distancing when most if not all dems lost their minds and their self control this past Presidential election. Can you imagine what America would look like had Killary won? I imagine some feathers are already ruffled. Welcome back to my blog where I exercise free speech and oh yeah, I talk about God also. Politics and God...I have always disliked small talk.

Tulips hanging on my vintage bathroom door

While the Kung Flu pandemic invites, panic, fear, stress, anxiety and depression there is a different side of the Kung Flu virus.  I am living fearless in the face of it because of knowing and walking in Gods favor. Knowing that should I fall victim to that virus God is faithful to heal, either in this life or life hereafter. 
First off, as an entrepreneur my business is now shut down. Money is not growing on the Dogwood tree outside my kitchen window just yet  I'm sympathetic to those in financial trouble due to lost businesses, lost jobs and income of all sorts. . Fear, worry, doubt, stress, anxiety, depression, ill health and even loss of life are all real experiences many are facing or in the midst of. Yet, in the middle of  this biological and viral warfare I am thankful and for the most part still joyful. I am not ashamed to say that the JOY of the LORD is my strength and that I have not had a sleepless night because of this biological Kung Flu warfare. I am part of a supernatural not natural present time and a future so I have decided to Fear Not even though all things in the world and on the news  point towards fear, despair, doom and gloom. There is so much uncertainty but one thing I know for sure is that when God brings you to nothing HE is up to something. This is no surprise to God and He's got this. We can easily get off course asking so many questions.. Why this and why that. I know that road...it leads to stress most often. I have exchanged the "Why's" for - I declares. I use Gods promises found in the bible and declare them over my life daily, in order to experience the Joy of the Lord.
There is a cost to being a Christian, but totally worth it

Yesterday, on my way home from a farmers market where I bought fresh garden veggies I stopped by a friends house. She recently lost her day job as well as her income from her Air BnB rental. She pointed towards the chicken coop she just finished building for her new chicks. She will be planting a veggie garden tomorrow in an effort to have some fresh food this spring. She smiled at me and said " God just set the reset button and I can't wait to see what HE does".  I said "Amen sista and gave her a (OMG) hug before heading home. She has a mortgage, and no income, yet she is excited to see what God will do.Living on the edge... with total trust in God. Exciting times.

Lambs, Bunnies and Nests adorn the shelves and tabletops in my TINY Farmhouse cottage

A few days ago while shopping at Big Lot's I ran into a joyful 89 yr old lady who gave me a high five (OMG) contact without fear when she realized I was also also a believer. We talked about how in spite of the current world events our God is wonderful and worthy to be praised. We shared  how we both have no fear for our own lives coming to an end because we are assured of everlasting life after leaving earth, and it only gets better according to God's word.
Just makes me want to bite the bunnies ear off
I met another gal today who invited me to come to her churches drive in service on Easter Sunday. My church is doing internet services which I can view anytime so I accepted her offer to attend services at her church as we park and remain in our cars 6' apart.
 Unfortunately all Messianic Passover Seder's are cancelled in Western NC. Believers can celebrate Jesus in our hearts and homes.

My vintage mantle provides a perfect spot for seasonal vignette options

Another dear Christian friend just lost her husband of 37 ish years.after a heart attack this past Jan.The doctors could not operate or do anything to prolong his life. He wanted to go home and Hospice services were set up. Shortly after his wife took his hand and said to him " I am jealous that you are going home before me". He responded to her " Diane, when have we not stood on the word of God? Stir up your faith".   A couple of days latter he went home. His last sermon was - "STIR UP YOUR FAITH". His funeral was a celebration of life and most importantly eternal life. Diane misses him immensely  but continues to live full of hope and full of joy which overshadows-the pain of loosing her best friend and husband.
Birds, Bunnies, Nests - The joys of Spring.
 I know many disagree with me, that is okay- but I believe this Chinese virus was unleashed on purpose to test the reduction of the worlds population. The after math of fear will drive thousands to line up for vaccinations. I would not ever consider getting vaxed for love nor money. In the midst of this Kung Flu virus believers in Y'shua (Jesus) still can experience the joy and peace of the Lord.  The  JOY of Lord is my strength and more so in times such as these.                                                              
Springtime Farm Charm
Another lifelong friend calls often to share her excitement of what God is doing each and every day in her life and in Las Vegas. Even in the midst of this mess she shares her enthusiasm, joy, laughter,  hope and peace which comes from her relationship with God Almighty. 
Love this little butler bunny. A score from Ross store years ago.
A sweet lady who is new addition to my tribe recently started a completely new life. Her X husband has a new name now- "History". I know divorce is a difficult thing but not for me to judge.   She lost her job due to Kung Flu and she currently has no home, no idea of what is next for her but she lingers in the love of Christ and her blessed assurance as a daughter of a King. She is filled with joy and a peace in knowing God is not shaken by this mess and she too has her peace and joy in HIM. 
Itty Bitty Bunny

I do not have my head in the sand here and I am saddened that so many lives have been lost both in America and around the world. I can only hope that folks will be stirred and disrupted enough to get woke, to pray, to consider how blessed and favored we are in America and to be Thankful. IMO -This is a wake up call to all. Who will answer the call in these sobering times? To think folks are more concerned about their butts and not running out of toilet paper than they care about their souls. Folks upset at the thought of running out of toilet paper or upset because of the current low meat inventory. Seriously?  Could it be time to repent and perhaps time to reset our mindset, and check our eternal life Insurance plan?
shelves work great to keep things changed out over seasons

In the midst of this world crisis Gods blessing and favor can be yours. Even if you are sick, disabled, broke, without a job, the joy of the Lord can be yours TODAY. You can experience the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. I am still a mess and being refined and my mind is being renewed by God daily. Relax already and be patient with me and consider this - Do you want God's favor in your life?
Got this little vintage bunny for .25 cents. Score!

IF you are born again, you by faith are a believer and child of God then God’s favor is yours, but there are a couple of things you must do to fully enjoy its benefits. First, you must receive God’s favor like every other spiritual promise—by faith. Then you must release your faith.

That’s what Abraham, the father of our faith, did. The circumstances looked hopeless when God promised him he would be the father of many nations. His age. Sarah’s lifelong barrenness. How could it be? They received God’s promise by faith and God’s favor.

My favorite vintage saucers

[For Abraham, human reason for] hope being gone, hoped in faith that he should become the father of many nations, as he had been promised, So [numberless] shall your descendants be. He did not weaken in faith when he considered the  impotence of his own body, which was as good as dead because he was about a hundred years old, or [when he considered] the barrenness of Sarah’s womb. No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God, fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised….

Behold the lamb of God

[Righteousness, standing acceptable to God] will be granted and credited to us also who believe in (trust in, adhere to, and rely on) God, Who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead…. Through Him also we have [our] access (entrance, introduction) by faith into this grace (state of God’s favor) in which we [firmly and safely] stand…. (Romans 4:18-21, 24, 5:2, ).
Look at Romans 5:2 again. We have access by faith into grace! God’s favor surrounds us—our faith    releases it! Glory to God!

A very old piece of furniture hand made here in the Appalachian mountains

So, we are just like Abraham. That’s how it is in life for all of us. Sometimes things look bad. But we have to learn when we walk in faith and face the natural facts, we believe God anyway. We grow to the point where we can hear bad news without wavering in our faith…and receive God’s favor no matter what the circumstances are.

Vintage teapot, $5.00 thrift store score

                                        Receiving God’s favor by faith is a simple act on our part.
Get into God’s Word. Put the Word into your heart and speak it out loud and declare it. Believe it and act on it. Receive it!
My toilet paper built-in  gets decorated with seasonal decor

When you do that, you will be victorious in every area of your life. There is no situation, no circumstance—nothing—that is stronger than the grace of God…the favor that surrounds you.
Whatever you may be facing today, stand up and get right in its face and say this: “I’m a born-again child of Almighty God. His supernatural favor surrounds me like a shield this very moment. His grace is more than enough to deliver me out of this trouble. My faith is in God’s Word, and I’m coming out of this triumphantly by the favor of God!”

Bunnies in my bedroom

Then, begin to expect great things to happen. I can tell you from the Word of God and from my own experience, your life will never be the same when you act like the favor of God is yours!        

Please let me know in the comment section, if I can hold you or your family up in prayer during these difficult times. All comments are moderated before being published. If you prefer to not have your comment made public please request that and I will honor your request  I  strongly believe in the power or prayer. If you request a private response or a phone call, remember to leave your contact information. 

As always I sign my posts - "It is never to late to have a happy childhood". Even in times such as these it is so important to honor yourself with self care and love and go do something fun and childlike.



  1. I absolutely love, love, love this post! I just tried to call you - hope I dialed the right number. No worries, just want you to know I am thinking of you today and so appreciated all you said here. You are spot on, sister! Sending love and hugs your way, and before I forget, I also emailed you a while back with a request/opporunity. I hope you got the email. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Hi Tonita! Well said! :-) As a fellow believer in Christ, thank you for your comments. and the political ones. :-)

    If I may ask, what do you do for work? I work from home - health MLM, and I have an Etsy shop. I also have a blog/website. I would love if you would visit it.

    I'm praying that God will do a miracle this week so we can all GO to church instead of live-streaming. There are things going on behind the scenes - dealing with corruption. Thankful for that insight.

    Take care! post more often! :-)
    Blessings to you,
    Linda S.

  3. Your post is so encouraging, a breath of fresh air! So much doom and gloom, we need words of faith and hope. God loves us and He's in control.
    Your bunnies are so cute and love your pretty décor.

  4. Thank you Tonita for your inspired and encouraging Words!!!
    You're absolutely right about the Lord Jesus having all this under control.
    Trust Him, that's what Faith is. He will never let you down!!!
    God bless you!!

  5. Dearest Tonita,
    I have followed you for years. I was lifted up by your messages to receive and then act on God's favor. I have faith that he will heal this land, if we but just turn to him. You are right! We do not have to fear, but have faith!
    What a sublime Easter gift you have given to all who subscribe to your emails! Thank you, thank you for lifting us all up at this time!
    Cilleto Fox

  6. Dear Cilleto, Thanks for your sweet comment. I feel this is a time of "R". Reset, Repent, Receive, Revive, Restore. We either believe and stand on God's word or we don't. Faith over Fear! When that fear starts coming up I quench it by proclaiming God's word over my life. It is a win win situation for believers. The joy of the Lord brings the strength we need at this very hour. God bless you and your family.

  7. I absolutely love you blog, thank you for your words of faith.

  8. I'm new to your blog. I'm with you 100% on your faith and your politics! I agree with you about why this virus was released. I also believe it was released to hurt our brave President in an election year. Prayers for our president and our country.

  9. Hi Ellen, Welcome. So nice to see comments from such well informed people. Blessings.

  10. Thank you for this very encouraging writing. I have been a long time reader of Lydia Sherman and happened to decide to read your blog today. You have a wonderful attitude and much faith. I am in agreement with you.
    I am blessed, thank you! Sweetest pictures too..
    God bless you

  11. What a lovely blog. I’ve spent the morning peeking around it and will be back for more! Nice to know that there are likeminded folks out there as these days it seems the brain washing is so rampant. May God bless you and be with you.


  12. A year has gone by, and everything you wrote in your blog on this day is still true. Americans have become such sheep... giving up freedoms for supposed protections? Thank you for sharing your love of God and all your thoughts. May freedom of speech not be canceled.
