Aug 14, 2019


 Two posts in the same month. I don't think that has ever happened here.  Today I'm sharing how I dressed up the area above my stove. The idea for this barn wood hood was inspired by other women before me who used barn wood to fashion a range hood for their own kitchens. This homemade  hoodie was built from local very weathered barn wood. It hides a basic generic and inexpensive range fan and light combo. I  have often considerd painting it white or maybe white washing it. Not sure - what do you think? Paint it white, whitewash it or leave it alone? 


Sealed, rusty, chippy vintage ceiling tin serves as my farmhouse kitchen backsplash

The cabinet next to the stove was retrieved from my root cellar and revived and repurposed

Vintage rusty ceiling tin adds visual interest

A lamb keeps watch over my stove top

A boxwood wreath adorns the lambs neck

A thrift store votive candle holder works great as a crown for this little critter

The front of the hood lifts up to reveal a storage area

Farm critters can be found in one form or another throughout my little cottage in the woods. At least 12-15 lambs can be seen in this cottage on any given day.

 I also have a few dozen crowns scattered around the house. Many of the critters sport crowns over here in the little farmhouse. Did I mention that I am not a tiny home minimalist by ANY means. I am still in the midst of downsizing my belongings and have a goal to live a more simple life each day. I am not there yet.. but I am on the way.

Crowns always remind me of my Lord and Savior - JESUS. King of Kings and Lord of Lords.