Jan 30, 2019


Well finally... I undressed my Christmas Tree and decided to turn it into a Valentine's Day tree so that I could continue to enjoy the glow from the twinkling white lights in the midst of winter. I hung little red hearts on it where the snowflakes used to be and then I stepped back to take a look. Nope, it just did not look right. Perhaps it was the bright red hearts that did not impress me? I thought of spray painting them white but I was just not into a winter craft project. Down came the tree, off came the lights and ornaments and back to the shed it went. Maybe I was just procrastinating and not wanting to go back into my unorganized messy shed. An upcoming warm weather project. Big sigh.

I decided to leave my Fireplace mantle greenery and the lights in place to keep the 'cozy winter nights by the fireplace' vibe going on. I mixed in some of my primitive puffy quilt hearts with the left over Christmas decor. I added a banner of golden wood hearts next to the mantle jewelry that I used for  Christmas. Those who follow my blog know I share lots of photos of my chalk painted mantle. This old farmhouse is small, really small (570') and I just don't have many surfaces that I can decorate for the holidays, so here it is once again, now filled with winter and Valentines decor all snuggled and mingled in together. I am really liking it and it may become a new tradition in my home?

I  have always been drawn to hearts, crowns, birds nests, vintage keys, and architectural pieces, anything made of galvanized metal and statues or paintings of rabbits, pigs and other farm critters    The more rusty, chippy or crusty a piece is, the more I seem drawn to it.  I don't think of myself as a collector, I may be in denial?  Many of the mentioned items live throughout my itsy bitsy farmhouse and yes, the over flow is in my tiny house, the one on wheels that measures 8' wide and 18' long. Still a storage unit at present. Insert another BIG sigh. I have downsized quite a bit in the past four years, yet I have held onto many little treasures that bring a smile to my face and add charm to this old little farmhouse cottage that I feel so blessed to live in.


Valentines Day decor is so easy for me, I don't have to unpack a thing like I do for Fall or Christmas. Hearts, angels and romantic French Country farmhouse decor surrounds me everyday in this little cottage. I much prefer vintage items that are well worn, which adds character instead of trending mass produced items from China. However, I do mix in some of the most irresistible mass produced what knots like these cheapo galvanized hearts from the land of Hob Lob.

              What do hearts make you think about?           What do you collect or feel drawn to?

 I really like these little vintage stuffed hearts. I display them in ironstone bowls and wicker baskets and sometimes I attach them to twine to make a banner to string across my covered front porch.'I suppose if you sew they would be pretty easy to make? I don't sew at all, and was happy when I found them on my favorite shopping site - Etsy.. I recently attached one heart onto each of my kitchen / dining nook chairs. They look so cute and I will take some pictures to share with you in my   next post. It's great to have items that can be used in so many ways year round and that also store easily especially when you live in a very small home home, with minimal storage space.

I like items that provoke me to consider more than what first meets the eye. Hearts always remind me of the biblical verse of John 3:16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. And Romans 9, verse 9-10 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  If we believe in our HEART and confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is our Lord, then we shall be saved. I experience my Heavenly Fathers love every day and Jesus has changed my heart and turned my sorrow into joy and ashes into beauty.Yes, there continue to be tests & valleys however those times produce a testimony to HIS goodness, faithfulness & grace. 

 There are many followers who sent in prayer requests to my comment section and requested me to not post them publicly. If you are reading this post please know that I read each and every prayer request and continue to keep you all on my mind and in my prayer time I intercede for you, and your life situations that you shared with me. I am praying that even though you are going through some trials and valleys now and may have family members that seem hopeless, God can fill your heart with joy in the midst of your mess. It is my prayer you will grow closer to your creator who loves and adores you. You are made in HIS image and you are one of a kind and God is not finished with you.

Some days it is just your lucky day when you find something as sweet as these hand crochet hearts for just ten cents each. Really..They were already starched to boot. I have moved these babies all around my cottage and I don't think I will ever tire of them. Pine cones, hearts and lace, all timeless.

Baby, it is SO cold outside. There calling this cold air blowing in from the North Pole an Arctic blast. It's close to ten degrees outside right now. Yet, there is no snow in the forecast for my area. Only had a very light dusting one day a couple of weeks ago. Jan - Feb seem to be the coldest months here in the mountains and it's a perfect time for making homemade stews, soups and popping corn and then snuggling up on the sofa to enjoy cozy and warm evenings by the fire. Fleece jammies and wool socks, yes, please. 

I am always signing off with "It's never too late to have a happy childhood" I snapped a picture of me standing barefoot in the center of this heart on my snow dusted deck, but the camera battery died and darn .. wouldn't ya know - it didn't come out.

Hey - I have some more farmhouse, vintage Valentine goodness to share with you in my next post. So until then, make time, take time to go play. It is never too late to create a happy childhood. Many blessings to you farmhouse loving girls. Keep warm.

If you want to be immersed in more Valentine's posts, that offer some great ideas for DIY eats, treats and decor please visit this - Share Some Love link party 


Jan 5, 2019

Christmas in January

On years that I do put up a Christmas tree, I am not one of those gals that puts hers up in the Fall. Nope, I am not an"'out with Turkey and in with the Christmas Tree, on the same day" kind of girl.  I've found out that many people are still celebrating Christmas, even today. The 12 days of Christmas are coming to a close and that is when thousands of people take down their Christmas trees and holiday decor. Who knew?  I read a post on a sweet blog called A box of twine , and learned about Christmas being observed for a full twelve days, starting on Dec 25th. I actually was not aware of this long standing tradition, even though I have sung the 12 Days of Christmas song for many years.. This idea totally fits in with my commitment of slowing down my lifestyle, living in the moment and being able to enjoy my Christmas decorations well into winter.

 It makes me happy to still be enjoying the twinkling Christmas Tree and mantle lights in my cozy little farmhouse. What is the rush anyways? Think about how much rampant consumerism controls are daily lives. What if you actually bought and gave your presents over the 12 days of Christmas?  One could certainly save some bucks by purchasing presents after Dec 25th. Most items on your list would be at greatly reduced prices as well as wrapping paper at 50-75% off normal prices. Christmas is IMO about reflecting on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I do that daily and actually feel that Jewish holidays have a scriptural basis and present a clearer picture of seasons and reasons instead of just a pretty house and like I  mentioned, rampant and wild consumerism far removed from any biblical.basis for a Christian. We each have our own convictions and traditions and beliefs.

If you looked at my earlier Christmas decor posts these pictures are similar except that I am sharing a few pictures of my dogs, my front room tree and the little farmhouse at night, this night of Jan5, 2019.  No, I didn't decorate the house for New Years Eve, even though I had a little party over here with some amazing friends, great times and so much fun. However, I am considering decorating my Christmas tree with tiny vintage hearts to create a Valentines tree. Seriously.. Well -maybe?

Jan 5th 2019

Christmas Farmhouse Cottage , Jan 6,2019

Christmas still going on through Jan 5th

Cozy reading nook

Farmhouse Christmas

Cozy fire on New Years Day

Farmhouse Christmas

A pig, a dog and a chicken surround the base of the Christmas tree

Some of the children here who live in fur coats

Sisters in fur

My sweet girls

Twinkling lights at night

Angels soft glow in the night hour

Vintage star

My Farmhouse bedroom Christmas tree

My bedroom Christmas and watchful angel at night

As I always end my posts, I will continue to say... Please remember it is never to late to have a happy childhood. Please create time for yourself this year to play, even if it is for little daily breaks. PLAY.

                                                                         XO -TONITA