Jan 18, 2017

HAPPY ~ DANCE ! ! ! ! !

 The inauguration is near - I am SO EXCITED, SO THANKFUL, SO HAPPY and  I am celebrating. I don't remember being this happy for a very long time. As an American I feel a sense of hope again. The last guy who promised hope and change created changes alright, and those changes created many hopeless Americans with changes that weakened and disgraced and divided  America and her legal citizens. This past eight years and down till the very last hrs of his reign has sickened me, as I have watched my country on an out of control  downward spiral. With only hours left until the garbage company comes to DC to pick up trash - I will await a real president whom once again makes me proud to be an American. A new sheriff is riding in to town and I am doing a happy dance. The following photos express my JOY and HAPPINESS.

HAPPY - HAPPY - HAPPY , Photo credit Pinterest



Photo credit - Pinterest




TRUMP HAPPY DANCE - animated photo by Giphy

Photo credit - JulieWinegard.com

And when you have a president who wants to make America great again

A girl and her guns - Happy Dance

 Photo credit - Pinterest

Photo credit - Pinterest , CELEBRATE

Thank God - 

Even if Trump did not do one wonderful thing while president...Her loss alone is enough for me to do happy dancing

Photo credit - Jeff Hunter

And that's for sure.

 I want to give a shout out to my biker friends and all the thousands of dedicated and amazing bikers that have traveled thousands of miles to the inuguration to support our new president. God bless you all. You men and women rock and I wish I could be there with you in person for this amazing historic event.  Love that you are forming a "wall of meat" to help keep the vibes good for the inauguration and following events. I can hear the roar of those Harley Davidson's from my farmhouse, all the way in North Carolina. Safe travels.

Now go dance, celebrate and create a happy childhood - it is NEVER to late. 

Deplorable farm girl,


  1. Even if Trump cannot do anything, his enthusiasm for America does so much good. I have not heard a president say he loved America, in a long, long time. I loke that Trump said if other countries love us, we will love them. I have not heard a politician use the word "love" in a long time, or compliment Americans. If Trump is only a good cheerleader and cannot accomplish anything else, it will do wonders.

  2. Donald J. Trump is going to be one of the greatest Presidents ever. I don't ever remember a President or even any government official mentioning love or saying encouraging words to Americans. I'm just so excited. 19 hours to go. Woo Hoo!!

  3. I was laughing, crying, howling at this post! My first questions is: Where did you dig up all this material?? It's priceless and completely true and "right on"!!!!!!!!!! We are sooo hopeful that he is able to put the right people in place....if the Dems don't drag their heels.

    He's a genuine person and if he would just drop his phone in the toilet, he'd be fabulous!! I really love your blog.

  4. I am so saddened with all of the nastiness and division, my own sister hasn't spoken to me since before Thanksgiving, I guess I am despicable Too! I hope and pray that people can now reconnect in a civil way. So so terribly glad Hillary didn't win. A courageous post, good for you, Mary Anne

  5. Thank you for speaking your mind without fear of retribution!! I too am doing a happy dance here in Pa. I am so looking forward to a Trump presidency. It feels like a breath of fresh air is blowing over the country right now. Even over those who might choke on it, nonetheless, he is president of the whole country. Hopefully people will stop and inhale deeply and calm down. We are all in this together. God bless the USA.

  6. LOVE YOUR POST!!! It is SO exciting!!!

  7. I'm doing my happy dance as well! I am going to watch on tv all day tomorrow and I plan on watching often on CNN and MSNBC. I can't wait to see the looks of disgust and pain and hatred. I'll make popcorn 🍿!!!!

  8. Hi Mary Anne -

    Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts. I don't think you are despicable. Probably just an adorable deplorable like many other wonderful conservatives. I am sorry for what you have experienced in your immediate family. I have also experienced stand offs and upsets due to my enthusiastic support of President Trump. However, I do not back down, I am true to myself and my convictions and today,- I am one happy deplorable. I hope that you and your sister patch things up soon. Give her time to lick her wounds. I also hope that the Trump haters are able to take an example of how to behave when one greatly dislikes their president, as we conservatives have had to do for eight grueling years. Global healing would be wonderful to see but it starts in the hearts of individuals before it can become a reality. People have to want healing or it won't just fall on them.
    We can keep praying though. I hope you are blessed in unexpected ways.

  9. A BEAUTIFUL post for a BEAUTIFUL Day filled with BEAUTIFUL PROMISE! God Bless President Trump, his family and the USA!


  10. Amen, hallelujah and PRAISE THE LORD! You pretty much summed it up. America will return to greatness via Donald J. Trump, our new PRESIDENT!! Got tired of not having a president for the past eight years. And that Melania! Lordy, Lordy. Grace and elegance has finally returned to the White House. Great post, Tonita. Keep it up, girl.

  11. I like Donald's quotes. I wonder if he is comfortable being called "Mr. President." I put a few pictures of Melania's inauguration coat on my blog for anyone who cares to look.

  12. You said it right! I feel like a black cloud has lifted and is floating away(it might have been Obama in his plane leaving.) I haven't felt this light since he was elected eight years ago. The economy finished off our seasonal business during those years. That was a wonderful post you wrote and you had me smiling along with the happy dancing pictures. Here's to a hopeful and "American" New Year! May God bless America!

  13. Love your post - it expresses how I feel so well. There is such a feeling that we are on the right track. And I so appreciate everyone comments. The is so much joy and hope in my heart.

  14. Imagine a president that wants to put America first. I'm excited for the future. God Bless America.

  15. So glad you are happy...I am beyond excited to see our new president at work...He is such a winner...and, if truth be known, there's probably First Ladies that's done worse things than pose naked...I think she is beautiful, poised and I like her so much. By far, the prettiest first lady we have ever had...

  16. I love coming here and reading your posts. And I also love reading the comments from like-minded women and agree with their words. The conversation has just begun and for the first time in a long time I feel the freedom to speak. God bless you, Tonita. God bless President Trump. And God bless America. Let's keep praying!
