Playing house, and fluffing my little nest pales in light of the current world events and election. I have never labeled myself as a Democrat nor a Republican. I have always considered myself an Independent. I grew up near Berkley (BIZERKLEY) CA. I watched first hand and up close what liberal politics did to CA.
When I was in high school and later at college I really enjoyed debate courses. I learned new ways to seek out information that would challenge my original thought process and conclusions. I began to question why I believed the way I did. That critical thinking process taught me to use avenues of study, research, and reasoning in order to reach my answers. See, I believe that in many instances, the problem is not that people are uneducated, but that they are educated just enough to believe what they have been taught. And not educated enough to QUESTION what they have been taught.
For the better half of my life I half heartedly paid attention to politics and world events. I remained dumbed down as I got most of my news from biased media sources on television at the end of my work day. I was educated just enough to buy into what I had been fed by limited media sources. Years later I woke up and started reading more political books and I began listening to independent radio hosts that were free thinkers and not sold out to liberals. Talk show hosts such as Michael Savage who provides- insightful psychological nudity, Drudge Report which has breaking news much earlier than you will find in other places, Alex Jones- whom liberals fear at, Wiki leaks (I have read a few hundred of those VERY interesting emails) as well as a dozen or so favorite blogs that I find to be very informative and educational.
There was a time when I was not out spoken about my political views. Over the years that has changed. Heck, there was a time when I believed our government was not corrupt. These days I refuse to be less than my authentic self. So- here on my tiny house blog, and in conversations, with friends or family I share...... I am angered as I watch my country going to hell. I am sickened about the state of distress that America is in. My heart aches for the live babies with beating hearts that are murdered and ripped from their mothers wombs and dissected like frogs, so their body parts can be parted out and sold. All while we invite illegal aliens to come to America as we hand them food stamps, shelter, medical care and welfare. Yeah, while our vets are treated like dirt. I am sickened by the everyday assassinations of our police officers and I am amazed that so many Americans are asleep in an information age. I am distressed as I watch the rapid decline of my country and our BORDERS, LANGUAGE AND CULTURE.
So here is the deal..... Jesus is not running for president of the United States. Therefore, there will NEVER be a perfect person to take office as president. Bottom line, I believe that we will have life under Trump and death under criminal Killary. Will America be perfect under President Donald Trump? No. He has a hard road ahead of him. He has to fight Republicans, the media, and the elite. He has to clean up years of disaster that Obummer and Killary have caused. I fully believe with every fiber of my being that America will be revived as best as can be under President Trump. There are many questions and time will tell. Prayers are with him.
Will Killary serve any time in prison? Most likely if the current president is not playing golf he will make some time to pardon her.
Did you all catch that skank, 'Beyonce' who was called in to attract a crowd for Killary the other day?
The skank talked about how Obummer was a role model for her nephew and how she wanted a woman president as a role model for her daughter. Then her husband got on stage to entertain the crowd and belted out nasty lyrics that included several "F_ _k" bombs as well as "nigger" or "nigga". Hey Killary, why is it that you were you so offended by a behind the scenes locker room talk by Donald, a decade ago? IF Trump would of had these nasty people at his rally the media and you would of turned it into a racial ordeal. What Donald said a decade ago In private was nothing compared to the company you promote and keep. Just one more reason you would make a horrible president, since you condone those lyrics that put women down, call people niggas and use profane language every other word. It is shameful that you and Obummer praise those nasty skanks- Beyoncé and that JZ jerk. But you get away with much more than Trump could ever get away with. UNFAIR.
Oh,, and below we have some other Hollywood role model by the name of Jennifer Lopez or J-lo. whoever she is...? She headlined a free concert for Killary supporters. This is a shot of her best side I guess?. Can you imagine if this skank preformed at a Trump event? This is current Sat night performance, mind you - not a decade ago nor something that was done in private. Seems to be a double standard and "SHE" gets away with this because she is a woman.
As always - Remember, it is never too late to have a happy childhood. Go VOTE and then go play.
When I was in high school and later at college I really enjoyed debate courses. I learned new ways to seek out information that would challenge my original thought process and conclusions. I began to question why I believed the way I did. That critical thinking process taught me to use avenues of study, research, and reasoning in order to reach my answers. See, I believe that in many instances, the problem is not that people are uneducated, but that they are educated just enough to believe what they have been taught. And not educated enough to QUESTION what they have been taught.
For the better half of my life I half heartedly paid attention to politics and world events. I remained dumbed down as I got most of my news from biased media sources on television at the end of my work day. I was educated just enough to buy into what I had been fed by limited media sources. Years later I woke up and started reading more political books and I began listening to independent radio hosts that were free thinkers and not sold out to liberals. Talk show hosts such as Michael Savage who provides- insightful psychological nudity, Drudge Report which has breaking news much earlier than you will find in other places, Alex Jones- whom liberals fear at, Wiki leaks (I have read a few hundred of those VERY interesting emails) as well as a dozen or so favorite blogs that I find to be very informative and educational.
There was a time when I was not out spoken about my political views. Over the years that has changed. Heck, there was a time when I believed our government was not corrupt. These days I refuse to be less than my authentic self. So- here on my tiny house blog, and in conversations, with friends or family I share...... I am angered as I watch my country going to hell. I am sickened about the state of distress that America is in. My heart aches for the live babies with beating hearts that are murdered and ripped from their mothers wombs and dissected like frogs, so their body parts can be parted out and sold. All while we invite illegal aliens to come to America as we hand them food stamps, shelter, medical care and welfare. Yeah, while our vets are treated like dirt. I am sickened by the everyday assassinations of our police officers and I am amazed that so many Americans are asleep in an information age. I am distressed as I watch the rapid decline of my country and our BORDERS, LANGUAGE AND CULTURE.
So here is the deal..... Jesus is not running for president of the United States. Therefore, there will NEVER be a perfect person to take office as president. Bottom line, I believe that we will have life under Trump and death under criminal Killary. Will America be perfect under President Donald Trump? No. He has a hard road ahead of him. He has to fight Republicans, the media, and the elite. He has to clean up years of disaster that Obummer and Killary have caused. I fully believe with every fiber of my being that America will be revived as best as can be under President Trump. There are many questions and time will tell. Prayers are with him.
Will Killary serve any time in prison? Most likely if the current president is not playing golf he will make some time to pardon her.
Did you all catch that skank, 'Beyonce' who was called in to attract a crowd for Killary the other day?
The skank talked about how Obummer was a role model for her nephew and how she wanted a woman president as a role model for her daughter. Then her husband got on stage to entertain the crowd and belted out nasty lyrics that included several "F_ _k" bombs as well as "nigger" or "nigga". Hey Killary, why is it that you were you so offended by a behind the scenes locker room talk by Donald, a decade ago? IF Trump would of had these nasty people at his rally the media and you would of turned it into a racial ordeal. What Donald said a decade ago In private was nothing compared to the company you promote and keep. Just one more reason you would make a horrible president, since you condone those lyrics that put women down, call people niggas and use profane language every other word. It is shameful that you and Obummer praise those nasty skanks- Beyoncé and that JZ jerk. But you get away with much more than Trump could ever get away with. UNFAIR.
Oh,, and below we have some other Hollywood role model by the name of Jennifer Lopez or J-lo. whoever she is...? She headlined a free concert for Killary supporters. This is a shot of her best side I guess?. Can you imagine if this skank preformed at a Trump event? This is current Sat night performance, mind you - not a decade ago nor something that was done in private. Seems to be a double standard and "SHE" gets away with this because she is a woman.
As always - Remember, it is never too late to have a happy childhood. Go VOTE and then go play.
i completely agree with you
ReplyDeleteAmen sister, I couldnt agree more!! I voted this morning to Make America Great Again!
ReplyDeleteDo we really have to have politics on a blog? That's not what I want to see .
ReplyDeleteIt's always so refreshing to hear someone reflect on these issues who is not blinded by Hillary. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI love all of the memes. I am praying for our nation. I pray you are right and he wins.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous, With a fast search, I am confident that you will be able to find several blogs that are suited to your reading and viewing preferences. There are thousands out there in blogland, that will surely delight you. You might like Pinterest where you can do a word search and view lots of pictures that are full of eye candy. When you click on the pictures there, they often lead to amazing blogs? I am not trying to increase nor keep followers here. I am true to myself and my current post is just what I wanted to post on my blog today. It may continue in the same vein or change, to whatever I decide to share. I wish you the best.
ReplyDeleteLovely post - you did not hold back. If more women would have seen the Beyonce and Jay Z performance maybe they would have not been "with her". If this hypocrisy wins, then America is done. It will not be Hilary that destroys American, but its own degenerate people.
ReplyDeleteMay Mr. Trump have all his wishes come true tonight!
ReplyDeleteYes...destroyed from within by it's own people....
ReplyDeleteWow! You just said that so well! Thanks for telling it like it is!
ReplyDeleteWell said! God bless America!
ReplyDelete"Whatever It Takes". That one's new to me. Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your truthful , educational and courageous post.
ReplyDeleteSoooo, what do you really think??? Lol. I loved this post so much. Just loved it! Love the whole blog!
ReplyDeleteGreat Post, I am so thankful to our Heavenly Father for giving Trump the victory. Please christian families hold him up in prayer every day. He needs it and we do too, that is how our country slipped so far. God Bless the USA!
ReplyDeleteHi there! I'm David; I'm one of those secular coastal liberal elites, but -- WAIT, DON'T SHUT THE DOOR! -- I come in peace.
ReplyDeleteI'm here to build bridges, not lecture or argue. I'd like to know more about you -- I want to hear your story; learn about your life and the people you love; see the world through your eyes. I want to *really listen* to what you have to say. The hope is that by the time we're done talking, we can see each other as real live human beings with good intentions -- not as enemies, not as horrible monsters who are devoted to destroying America, but as people.
Would you be amenable to having a discussion like that?
P.S. Re: your Berkeley roots -- my dad's one of the few registered Republicans living in Berkeley. They do exist!
Hi David,
ReplyDeleteWelcome. How did you find my blog, that's filled with nest fluffing frills & a few political rants that are crunched in-between lace & gun pictures? You sound like a wonderful liberal. Your comment seems like it would attract a lot of women if posted on a singles site. The "really listen" part got me. LOL. Thanks for your interest, but this blog is just my area online where I express myself. It is not a good format for a conversation even though I bet our conversations would be interesting and I could certainly learn from you because you are kind and know how to communicate well. I suspect your dad didn't have a Trump bumper sticker on his car or in his yard in Bizerkeley? Thanks for popping in to comment.